Saturday, April 19, 2014

Chocolate-Covered Easter Marzipan

I wanted to make some kind of Easter treat this year, but I didn't just want to make a chocolate bunny. So I decided to make some homemade marzipan, and sculpt it into an Easter bunny, then coat it in chocolate. It was fairly easy to do - marzipan is not as hard to make as you may think. Then simply melt some chocolate, and grab some candy or sprinkles if you like for extra decoration. I ended up having enough marzipan to make a chick, nest, and a few Easter eggs as well. Pictured here on the left is a bunny with blue eyes and red sprinkles, a nest with some candy eggs, a chick, and some small pieces of marzipan coated in chocolate then sprinkles as Easter eggs. I used a pastry brush to paint on the chocolate, and used the tines of a fork to make feather designs in the chick. It was all fairly quick and easy to do, and makes a different kind of tasty Easter candy. Now that I know how to make marzipan, I will be able to use it to make other chocolates, icings, and candies. You may see my master marzipan recipe on here soon. 

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