Friday, June 28, 2013

Portobello Mushroom Burger

Does anyone else ever get tired of hamburgers? Okay, maybe it's just me, but I was never a huge fan of hamburgers to begin with. So I get bored of having them a lot, even though we don't eat them all that often, although more so now that it is barbecue season. To me though, a burger is just a burger, and I am not a meat lover anyway. Now veggie burgers on the other hand, there are a wide variety of different types of veggie burgers, and you can add many different flavors to them so you never get bored and each one is different. There are soy burgers, bean burgers, quinoa burgers, pumpkin burgers, tofu burgers, lentil burgers, and more. But a really different type of burger, that is probably also one of the easiest to prepare, is a portabello mushroom burger. Technically it is simply just a vegetable, but when grilled properly, it is thick and juicy with a meaty texture. All you need to do is buy some portabello mushroom caps, and maybe trim them and wash them a bit. Then brush them with oil, spices, or sauce as you would like, and grill them. They cook quickly too, only a few minutes per side. Then slap them on a bun and add toppings as you would for any burger. It's a great vegetarian alternative to burgers, and cheaper,quicker, and easier. My father grilled a few for me after I complained about having burgers, yet again. 

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