Saturday, March 02, 2013

Blog Format Changes

Recently there have been some changes made to the format of my blog posts. Most viewers probably have not noticed them, because all of the changes have been made to my posts published in the year 2011. Actually, I think almost every one of those posts has been changed. This may seem like a lot, but keep in mind I only began my blog on July 23rd, 2011, so really it is less than half a year worth of posts. Why so many changes? Well, I have finally had some time to work on my Christmas present, which requires some extensive page editing. To be honest, my father did the vast majority of this page editing, as he is much, much better with computers than I am, and understands how things like that work. Some examples of how he changed the pages include altering lists, so they do not appear as one straight list, but a shorter, paragraph-form list; changing the location or size of pictures; changing the placement of test; and general proofreading and editing. I am very grateful for all of my father's work here, as he spent a lot of time perfecting everything. 
This still doesn't answer the question why, though. Well, this is the process that had to be taken to publish my blog into a book. That's right, there are websites where you can enter your blogs web address, make all the editing changes, choose a cover, choose a cover photo, write a dedication, etc., and they will print out the book for you and send it to you, and do it much more nicely than if I went to print out the pages myself and staple them together. Why do I want to turn my online blog into a book? Yes, it is true that online is a very convenient and easy format to work with, but everyone knows the dangers of technology. I still have this incessant worry in the back of my mind that my blog will somehow disappear or be deleted, so I like to have a hard copy. Hard copies are good for other reasons too, they can be more portable, they are nicer and easier to look through for ideas, and you find things you miss online when you have a solid copy in your hand. Having a hard copy will also allow me to share my blog with others, who (surprisingly) do not have internet access or computer access. 
So I am beginning with the first year of my blog, really only six months, for my Christmas present last year, and next year I will probably print off 2012 since that year is now finished. These books are actually not too pricey, but the value of the blog to me is priceless. That is one of the main reasons for all of the formatting though, to condense blog posts in order to condense the book so I can print less pages, which will make a big difference when payment is by the page. I will feature my blog book on a post coming soon, to show you how it turned out! 

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