Thursday, November 17, 2011


Does anyone have a foolproof recipe for chocolate fudge? I have tried a few different recipes; some failed and some were okay, but I have yet to find the "perfect" chocolate fudge recipe. Right now, I prefer to buy other people's homemade fudge because it is likely to taste better than my own fudge. There are also many other types of fudge, but I have yet to try those recipes. There is divinity fudge, white fudge, maple fudge, brown sugar fudge, butterscotch fudge, peanut butter fudge, white chocolate fudge, peppermint fudge, and many, many others. There are two main techniques of making chocolate fudge. 

1. Quick Fudge, Cheater Fudge, Microwave Fudge, or Condensed FudgeThis fudge uses chocolate chips and a can of sweetened condensed milk melted together with other ingredients, and is then refrigerated to set.

2. Old Fashioned Fudge, Candy Fudge, or Boiled Fudge
This fudge combines butter, sugar, cocoa, and other ingredients on the stovetop. The mixture is boiled and must be watched carefully with a candy thermometer, and stirred and poured only when it reaches specific temperatures.

I have tried to make both of these types of fudge before. The first one did not set properly, and was not of the proper consistency at all, although it did taste quite good. The second kind turned out, but the top had a bubbly appearance, the texture was slightly off, and the taste just wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Here is a picture of the second type of fudge.

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