Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Easy Peasy Gravy

Gravy is not something I can say I make very often. Actually, not really at all. I don't like gravy. But you cannot serve people hot turkey sandwiches without hot gravy. I used to watch my father make gravy all of the time, so I kind of used the methods I used to see him do. He used a simple roux of butter and flour, then a flavored bouillon and hot cooking water. He always made small batches, just enough to put on a few mashed potatoes, and he always did it quickly in a small pot. This is how I made my batch of gravy, which was a fairly large batch:

  1. I began with making a roux. I melted 1/2 cup butter in a medium pot over high heat, then stirred in 1/2 cup all-purpose flour until completely smooth.
  2. Slowly pour in chicken broth, stirring. Begin with about 2 cups, stir it all in and then bring it to a boil.
  3. Once boiled, add more chicken broth slowly as needed, boiling the mixture and bringing it to the proper consistency.
  4. Stir in one packet on onion soup mix.
  5. Adjust seasoning and consistency by adding salt and pepper, an additional packet of onion soup mix, or more chicken broth. 
For a darker gravy, use extra onion soup mix.
For a different flavor gravy, use a different type of broth - beef or vegetable.
For a creamier, lighter gravy, use some milk or cream in place of some of the broth. 

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