Saturday, December 05, 2015

Gingerbread House 2015

As I have mentioned the past four years, every year it is a family tradition to purchase a gingerbread house kit and assemble and it as a family. Fortunately, we have been able to spend all of our Christmas holidays together as a family. Unfortunately, we do not always get to assemble the gingerbread house together, because we always do it quite early - a few weeks before Christmas - so we can have it on display throughout the holiday season.

Here is this year's house that my parents did a great job of. Every year we try to get a slightly different kit, as every store seems to have a different version, but we have run out of different types a few years ago. One year we did a train, and I would like to do some of the new kits out there, such as carousels, palaces, horse and carriages, etc. but we seem to like the traditional house. 

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