Monday, September 07, 2015

Some Updates

Another day off. After working only five consecutive days, I was slightly surprised to have another two off, but found I was quite sore from pulling some long days and appreciative of the day of rest. What did I do today? I slept in, did yoga, watched some more Masterchef, went for a walk, skyped my parents for a long time, worked more on my internship portfolio, and finally found the mail I have been missing for weeks now. I was waiting on some mail from my mother, and had asked several of the chefs several times. So this time I inquired at reception, who checked, but then offered to let me look. I checked all of the cubbyholes, knowing my mail has been placed in the wrong one before, and found it! My mom included some appropriate food and kitchen-related stickers on the envelope for me. :)

            Staff meal situation update: chef was not happy about the meal again yesterday (beans, chicken, and chips). The cook argued only eleven people came for staff meal, and the chef said “They still aren’t animals and need to be fed!” So they made up a menu for the week. The menu still, for the most part, does not suit my fancy, it is still heavily meat and potatoes, but at least there should be some better quality and more variety.

            My situation update: I am doing very well lately. I only have twenty-three days left here, and although I am excited to be home, I am not anxiously counting them down. Work has been quite enjoyable lately – it’s still challenging with long hours and stressful situations, but I have really begun to find my footing and have opened up more to the other cooks. It doesn’t hurt that I’ve been in my zone lately – put on the pastry section in the restaurant, which puts a lot on the line, but yet is more laid back, for me anyway!
Mail from my Mommy

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