Sunday, December 21, 2014

Gingerbread House 2014

In keeping with the tradition of constructing a family gingerbread house each year, here is the 2014 edition. Unfortunately, this year it was only my parents who were around to decorate the house, but I think they did a great job! Although we get pretty much the same, or a very similar, house every year, it always ends up being decorated differently, or we trade which parts each person decorates. These kits never seem to include enough candy to mimic the fancy designs given on the box as suggestions, and they never account for the small little candies that roll away - to be found later in the day. I particularly like the wreath on the front of this house, I think it is quite creative. 
I am happy and thankful to be home with my family now in order to celebrate the holidays.
Happy Holidays to all!

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