Sunday, December 07, 2014

Almost Mom's Trifle

I call this almost mom's trifle, because when I made it, I took inspiration from the trifle my mother always made. There are so many variations on trifle you could do - even with this recipe you could use any type of cake, pudding, pie filling, and garnish. But my mother always used white pound cake, cherry pie filling, and chocolate pudding. No matter what, it is delicious and foolproof. This is a quick and easy version, but if you want a from-scratch version, use homemade cake, fresh fruit, and homemade pudding or custard. Here is Mom's real trifle: {Trifle}.

Almost Mom's Trifle
one prepared 9x13 inch cake, I used a vanilla boxed cake mix
it can be two round cakes, one bundt cake, whatever one recipe makes
one can cherry pie filling
one package instant chocolate pudding mix, prepared
one container frozen whipped topping, thawed
sweetened cocoa powder for garnish
Cut the cake into small cubes. Layer half of these cubes in the bottom of a large bowl or glass dish. Spoon half of the pie filling over top. Spread with half of the pudding. Repeat layers. Spread with whipped topping. Sprinkle with the cocoa powder. Chill for a few hours before serving. Trifle is even better the next day once the flavors blend together. 

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