Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Lemon Chick Cookies

It's easy to make cookies look like chicks, even without a cookie cutter! The lemon cake mix also makes the cookies yellow like chicks without any additional ingredients, and provides a nice flavor as well.
Lemon Chick Cookies
2 packages (two layer size) instant lemon cake mix
2/3 cup oil
4 large egg yolks
2 large eggs
sprinkles, dried fruit, chocolate chips, coconut, or candies to decorate

Preheat oven to 350F. Grease or line baking sheets.
Mix together the cake mix, oil, and eggs until well blended. Mixture will seem quite dry at first but will come together and will be quite stiff.
Roll the dough into balls - large balls for the bottom of the chick and smaller balls for the head. Stick the two together, just touching each other, and place cookies a few inches apart on prepared baking sheets. Decorate as desired to resemble chicks. I used small round red sprinkles for the eyes, an orange sprinkle for the beak, and toasted coconut for the feathers on top of the head.
Bake for about ten minutes until just beginning to brown. Allow to stand on the cookie sheet for a few minutes to firm up. Makes about 30 chicks.
Alternately, the cookies may be decorated as chicks with icing once cool. 

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