Friday, October 17, 2014

Pear Season

We are coming upon pear season now. Fresh, juicy ripe pears - often compared to an apple but actually quite different in flavor. Apples seem to be a staple year-round, but pears are often savored in their prime fall season. There are several varieties of pears, from the familiar Bartlett to rounder Anjou to red pears. Many people do not know how to recognize a ripe pear. When ripe, pears are soft and juicy and sweet. When under-ripe, they are firm and starchy and more like an apple. Pears ripen at room temperature after picking, but then must be refrigerated and enjoyed rather soon. Pears are excellent sources of fiber, even more so than apples, especially with the peel, which is often thinner than an apple peel and may be left on during baking. Pears pair well with flavors such as soft cheeses, pork, ginger, hazelnuts, chocolate, and caramel. 

Recently I attended a pear cooking class demonstration where we made and enjoyed four different dishes all incorporating pears. I will feature these dishes in the days to come, but for now, here is a sneak peak. I will definitely be making more pear dishes in the future, as I am trying to develop an excellent pear dish to enter in a competition. I also received several new recipe booklets with pear recipes that all look tantalizingly tasty! 

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