Friday, May 27, 2016

Caramelized White Chocolate

If you have never tried such a thing you are seriously missing out. It's not your fault, it has not become mainstream yet. I myself only tried it a few months ago; but one spoonful and I was hooked! Caramelized white chocolate is just as it sounds - you heat some white chocolate either in the oven or in a frying pan over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it turns golden brown. It should look like the color of peanut butter. When the chocolate melts like this is does become somewhat chalky or lumpy but it can simply be blended smooth. The first time I made it I did not bother blending and I ended up with something like caramel with skor bits in it. The mixture will harden but if you blend in some cream it stays fairly smooth. Blended in cream cheese is really good too, and a little sea salt really helps to balance out the flavor.

I used to say I didn't like white chocolate, that it wasn't even true chocolate. But now, I'm a convert. Like, why do they not sell this in bar form??
My first attempt - kinda lumpy but so tasty

My second attempt was much smoother

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